at least at me, they are. Why? Well... the trial, "Baby's First Trial," did not happen today. Which would have been fine with me, except for two big things: a) I spent ALL WEEKEND getting ready for it. all weekend. both days, in office. Yes, I'm a dork. An opinion confirmed by the senior associate who gave me the file, when he dashed in Saturday to pick up his golf clubs or something and saw me devoring the newest words of wisdom from Mauet. And, the bigger and more annoying reason, b) I had to wake up at 6am, drive nearly two hours, prep my clients, wait for mediation, mediate, and only THEN did I find that there was no judge able to hear our case (no judge to hear our case??? Um, YOU told US to show up at this date on this time BECAUSE it was at the judge's convenience. you suck.). And I still have the trial hanging over me. I woke up at an extremely uncomfortable hour, on a day when I have my damn continuing damn legal damn ed class and won't even get home until 10pm, for NOTHING! Dude. I'm pissed. very very pissed. There should be a rule -- a court rule -- a court rule on making people drive four hours roundtrip and how it's bad -- it's not like they don't have rules to cover other conceivable possible permutation of an issue relating to a lawsuit, damn them!
{Edited at 4:30pm:}
Upon further experience of this day, it is certain. The gods, they are ANGRY. Since returning to the office, I have:
- locked myself outside the building without my keys, requiring the receptionist to stop doing her job so she could come all the way downstairs and let me in
- immediately upon regaining my office privileges, walked over to the pantry/home of happy free chocolate, lifted the basket of chocolate to begin my favorite decision-making process, and discovered an ENORMOUS cockroach. Huge. Upon which, I did what any rational, stable lawyer would do while standing in the reception area of her office -- I screamed. I screamed loud and girly. Enough so to bring Scary Senior Partner out of his office, who just stared. aghast. wondering why the other partners had voted against him to hire me.
- which stellar exhibition of maturity was promptly followed by the discovery (hee! pun! don't worry, you'll see it and groan in a second) that, with all the excitement of trial going on, I had forgotten that I was given a notice to produce to respond to on Monday and it had to be done by Wednesday because there was a motion out to strike our answer Friday -- not only was the motion heard, but it was granted. I slunk myself down to the supervising partner's office and, head hung in shame, explained that me, ME, the queen of deadlines, had missed one. My first big professional mistake. bad. very bad. he was rather nice about it, really, considering it'll cost about $100 in filing fees plus two hours of my time to straighten it out. But my internal monitor is freaking out -- "You're gonna get fired, na-na-na-na-na-na." It's very uncomfortable.
There's still another seven hours until I go to bed and this horrible day ends -- any takers for betting on what calamity shall befall me next?