I cannot pick. Shall I blog about:
1) the events of this weekend, specifically, those involving this mystenigmary, which caused me to get no sleep sunday night and to be able to only stick it out at work for 40 minutes the next day before I sheepishly repacked my bag and went home to nap, and in which a long-held daydream was both realized and shattered? (yeah, go figure out how that happened -- and then come back and explain it to me, please, because I really just don't get it.)
2) the call I just got from an ex-roommate, asking for things that she knows I do not have but to which, unfortunately, she is at least arguably entitled? And whether it's bad that the fact that I'm not a little irritated with her is at least in part the reason I haven't gotten to her request? And what on earth am I going to say to her when I have to call her back, as promised, tonight?
3) the ever-fascinating career stories, featuring recent highlights entitled "How to Convince Yourself that Sleeping Every Other Night Is Just Fine With You," "Why It is Not Smart to Win the Approval of The Firm's Most Precision-Oriented Partner," and "What To Do When You Need a Vacation and All You Can Afford is A Latte."
4) The pros and cons of my body's decision to quit smoking (I say my body, because that's truly where the decision came from. If it was up to my mind only, I would still be happily lighting up and engaging in what is truly my favorite hobby. But, unfortunately, sometimes the body just turns on you. And you can't ignore it. Spoiled little dictator. hmph.) and why I really want to turn the clock back to when cigarettes and the human body were invented, and figure out how to make them more compatible. Then again... the cigs might lose their appeal that way...
Oh -- well, as it turns out -- I no longer have the luxury of deciding! Have just received (yet another!) "Hi-can-you-do-this-in-less-than-10-hours-even-though-you-don't-understand-this-area-of-law." amazing. so... yeah. better get on that.