It's 7:30am and it looks like midnight and it's pouring rain and I AM THE ONLY PERSON IN THE OFFICE! I am cranky. (Although, I just discovered that the delightful, wanna-be-her-when-I-grow-up Blonde Justice linked to me -- whee! two links -- goodness, I'm all aflutter! this has improved the mental state -- but only when I don't think about work. When I think about work, or click over to Word to write this damn brief that I'm starting to believe is never going to be written because it's impossible, I want to throw myself on the floor in a terrible-twos tantrum. It's awful. I'm going to let down SCP for the first time in ...well, since he started to think that I might not suck at this. damn. But see, I can't figure out a way of this seemingly irresolvable set of standards: The rules say a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim is made on the pleadings only with all favorable inferences to plaintiff (Which we are not, thank god), but that if a movant relies on material outside the pleadings, it automatically becomes a motion for summary judgment. OK, fine. So, where a lis pendens has been filed in an action arising out of a written instrument signed by the party to be charged, you (the defendant) can only get it discharged if you show that the motion to dismiss or summary judgment would be granted dismissing at least the equitable claims of the Complaint. There's also a case that says when you can't demand specific performance because there is no contract, then the lis pendens has to be discharged. We want to have the lis pendens discharged. There is no valid contract. I want to just say "Hey, Case is parallel and Court, you just do that, ok?" But that means ignoring the very complex irrelation of the statute and case law concerning the motion to dismiss/SJ/lis pendens standards. Which, in my mind, considering this is due at the end of the day and I have a monster set of depositions at 9:30, is a good thing. But is it intellectually dishonest or lazy? Or just plain old lazy? And if I decide to jump into the thicket of standards and lay them all out before the court, a) how should that be organized so that it's advocating and not just explicating, and b) is it maybe better in this instance to explicate, since the law is so clearly on our side (except for the motion to dismiss thing... that standard sucks. I mean, not in general, but in my case, I don't like it. I want it to be something like "If the plaintiff pisses you off with repeatedly ridiculous demands, and has acted like a child in the short course of the litigation so far, his complaint should be dismissed with prejudice." None of this indulgent "Oh, poor baby plaintiff, you can keep your complaint as long as, somehow, somewhere, a smarter person that you could have alleged an actual cause of action based on these facts that we think we can infer from the crayon-covered construction paper you submitted" crap. Hmph.)
Hmmm. I wonder if I can submit this posting to SCP as proof that I really did try to not suck at this brief. Yeah, great idea -- let's tell the partners that I lose .6 billable hours every other day so I can babble on a blog. Brilliant.
Before I actually get back to work (ugh), may I just mention that it's 7:45am and there is STILL no one here?? Did I miss something? Is work closed due to depressing weather? Or am I in some kind of sci-fi movie, where the Firm no longer exists and I'm the sole employee who doesn't know about it and then the wormpeople come and demand I do endless hours of document review for them as they prepare to write their answer to "Watership Down"? WHERE IS EVERYONE?
Are people normally in the office that early? It's very rare here for any number of attorneys to be in the office before 8:30-9 at the earliest. Maybe my firm has one thing going for it.
Posted by: LAlawyer | October 26, 2005 at 11:42 AM
yay, you're back -- I got worried! But no -- it's not normal for any of the attorneys to be in that early, but a bunch of the secretaries do flex hours and come in at 6:30 or 7 in the morning, and they keep me company on the odd mornings when I've promised to be done with a brief or something "first thing in the morning" but crashed out the night before without finishing it...
But your firm still has one up on mine -- it's not in the back of beyond, which I've heard is nice for the "having a social life" thing...
Posted by: Baby Lawyer | October 26, 2005 at 01:51 PM