So -- Day-O'-Hellish-Motions is over -- final score: 3-1 for motions in which I wrote briefs/argued -- so happy is me -- SSP won both motions I wrote briefs for (and in one, credited me directly for the win, as it was based on the judge's reading of the brief -- yes, i'm in shock too), and I, who was sent out to argue two motions that were almost certain losers, actually won one (my first, thankyouverymuch) by correcting the judge's misperception as to the definition of "objective" -- yay! And, Adored Little Sister is coming home for fall break from her first year of law school (yes, my mother's proud, no, we didn't plan it this way -- ALS was supposed to be a doctor, but freaked out after taking the MCATs and realized she didn't want to spend the next eight years of her shockingly beautiful youth shut up in a library -- so she chose law school as the next best option -- still makes your parents grossly happy and requires only three years of what we all know is really quite minimal effort) and i get to spend some QT with her.
Therefore, Baby Lawyer now decrees: Go forth and celebrate the weekend!! Take the next two days off -- don't bring any work home and CERTAINLY don't go near the office. Laugh and drink and eat and make lots of merriment -- at least, that's what I plan to do -- ttfn!