(Originally posted 11/17/05 at 12:32pm, and reposted following spelling-error edits.)
I think I might be certifiable. So, as those of you (yes, all two of you!) who have kept up with the saga of He-Who-Is-Irksome know, my "love life" of late has consisted of much frustration over the inability to get a straightforward declaration of intent/interest out of the child, and over the general elusiveness of the He.
Well. At the high-school best friend's wedding this weekend (which, by the way, was a much more enjoyable event that the hell of preparations led me to think it would), I met a boy. actually, re-met, is more like it, because he's a cousin of Best Friend who I've met at various family events over the last ten years, because I sort of adopted Best Friend's family as my own and was always over there. What I never knew was that he may have had a tiny little crush on yours truly in that time... but no one ever told me -- even though, apparently, the night before the wedding, he mentioned it to Best Friend and Momma Best Friend. I mean, come on! I know Best Friend may have had a few other things on her mind, what with the whole "getting married tomorrow" thing, but would it have been too much to send a tiny little text message? I hate not knowing things.
Anyway. So -- we chatted, we drank, we danced, we drank (six hours of open bar, people. Dear god. Much wasted-ness). and we made out. in the post-reception bar, in an (we thought) empty ballroom of the hotel (only to be caught by Best Friend's younger brother, to my never-ending embarrassment)... etc. Not a whole lot, but enough to know that, hmm, this is an interesting idea with potential potential. (yes, I meant to repeat there). So, that night ended on an up-note of "cool, this was fun, and you have my number, so we'll see...." The next day, he called. Just to say hi. Okay. Last night, he called again, just to chat -- which we did, actually rather enjoyably, for quite some time. This morning, he send a little "good morning, have a good day" text.
I want to run. Apparently, I actually cannot handle the straightforward declaration of interest. It makes me squeamish, like they've walked out of their house with, like, their breakfast remnants on their face. Instead of reacting with the "oh my god, how adorable" that that same scenario in a friend's story or chick flick would get, I want to hide and never answer the phone again.
WHAT is wrong with me? Am I secretly the star of my own reality show called "How to Remain Single and Alone Forever and Die with Only Your Cat For Company, Who Will Turn on You When You Get Too Dead To Feed Them Anyway?"
I have two theories/thoughts (1) there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. One message good, three + can become overkill, and (2) it's also different when it's the right guy calling/sending multiple text messages.
Posted by: LAlawyer | November 21, 2005 at 01:33 PM