EWEWEWewewewewewewewewewew! and EW! <shudder> OK - so, I'm in my office this morning, frantically working on an appellate brief that is due at noon and which I have completely ignored all weekend since my best friend was finally getting married. Suddenly, I feel some light disturbance on the top of my head and figure it's my hair sliding across itself or something. OR NOT. Three seconds later, the largest spider in the entire world (OK, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it was definitely the size of a sand dollar) lands on my desk and skittles into a file -- so, of course I scream. again. for a long, loud time. and run to get a boy to kill it (thank GOD none of the partners were in yet, so I just got to look stupid in front of one of the law clerks, who I think believes me to be mentally sub-par anyway!).
EW! and on a Monday morning. That's just cruel.