I swear -- sometimes the internet is the most clever little thing. So, I'm sitting in my office, panicking about the depositions I'm supposed to take in approximately two and a half minutes of two people from Puerto Rico who speak no English (I, of course, like a good little private school girl, speak no Spanish whatsoever -- however, if we ever need to depose someone who speaks Latin, I'm all over that! So useful...) -- really really really don't want to take these depositions, partly because I got no sleep last night, due to an insane urge to attempt these nutty sudoku puzzles that are suddenly all the rage (I'd never heard of them until last week, when first He-Who-Is-Irksome mentioned them, then they popped up at a post here, and then I started feeling like the last kid picked for kickball 'cause I hadn't tried them yet) which ended in me in a rage at 3am yelling about a surplusage of 5s, and partly due to an overwhelming, paralyzing fear that, due to the language barrier and translator's presence, my usually borderline-intelligible questions will become Jabberwocky and it'll be an enormous disaster.
So, in my last few minutes as an actual employed attorney, I decided to relax by playing with the internet and checking my sitecounter. I noticed someone had gotten here with a search on blogsearch.google.com (I did not know that even existed -- those wild and crazy google guys!) and I happen upon this link. Click it. Seriously. It's hilarious. I now feel much better about the fact that I will invariably ask twenty-nine questions that lead to blank stares, totally bizarre responses, and mass confusion.