Well, by some miracle, I survived. Two marathon shopping days, one day jam-packed with family "bonding," and five minutes of time to myself. I managed to avoid any truly explosive fights with my mother, and escaped nearly unscathed from the annual Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Conservative-Liberal Throwdown, otherwise known as "Christmas dinner with all the relatives." Amazing. I did, of course, get noticeably (apparently) "tipsy" at the Firm's christmas party -- oops. Although I didn't start dancing on tables or making out with inappropriate boys, so, really, far better than Best Friend's wedding last month... and actually, it was really fun to see everyone be relaxed and tell funny stories and be, like, real people and stuff...! Also, under the softening influence of several bottles of good wine, the managing partner *finally* said I could have the much-larger-than-my-own-broom-closet office that used to belong to an associate who was out on indeterminate sick leave but is apparently not really coming back -- which rocks, as currently, around about 4 pm, I can actually feel my ten by twelve box start to collapse in on me like a sci-fi movie and it's creepy. I do, of course, have to clean out the entire office first, which is proving to be a much larger project than I had initially anticipated -- ah well... it's worth it to finally be able to have my reading corner -- which I've wanted ever since I read Sherry's post about her office (and if I was less lazy, I'd go find the post itself and link to it for you, but it's somewhere in her really old archives, and I feel as if the time I'd spend looking for it would be much better used in looking for a cheap alternative to this for the corner itself). Which -- I think I'll go do now. I feel I had more things to say, but I'm so deliriously tired from the weekend that I can't begin to think. (I think this girl I overheard in the mall put it best when she said: "Divorced kids don't get Christmas, they just have to race around like a ping-pong ball placating parents." I may be embellishing. But that was the gist.)