Oh my God, if I read or sit through or am in the same vicinity of ONE more deposition in which the questioning attorney firmly believes that "visualize" is the more-intelligent-sounding synonym of "see," I'm going to bop someone. (I know, I'm scary. Bopping. Very dangerous.) Seriously -- it's ridiculous. Not to mention, I would think that that would leave you open to question if you try to later use the testimony at trial to prove that the witness said he saw something. It's such a sad little piece of puffery -- in general, a lawyer who actively tries to "sound smart" always sounds like such a jackass -- and particularly when the highly effective, not at all slang-like, "see" is subject of that attempt. ugh. (And for those of you calling hypocrite -- I don't write complicated clauses to sound smart -- my brain just can't function any other way. I've tried. There's no off switch. Even in text-messaging, I do it. Which I why I don't text. The only slower mode of communication for me would be hacking the words into a stone tablet with a nail. Takes WAY too long to find those commas and periods and apostrophes.)
Um, that's all. It's taken me twenty minutes to post this post, anyway, because I keep getting interrupted by random work details -- G., you're totally right -- LOVE those free moments, baby -- embrace them, run into the sunset with them impetously -- because they do NOT last....!