1. As of right this second, I have had 3000 page-views (not unique, but whatever) since the inception of this little thing I like to call a blog - yay!
2. I have developed a tiny but very noticeable red dot on the very end of my nose. It is not a zit, nor is it a pen mark. What it is is ugh-ly. damn. fortunately, I don't have a date tonight. or tomorrow. or tomorrow. ad infinitum. see, there's an upside to being stuck in the back-est of back-waters!
3. I deeply and intensly despise when opposing counsel propounds stacks of completely duplicative discovery. There are perhaps ten unique questions. Then, there are one hundred other rogs that precisely duplicate those ten, then a whole stack of document demands that only ask for the documents that the rogs asked for. Then there's a demand for discovery of insurance coverage, which has been addressed approximately eight times by the other document demands. And it's not like this is coming from huge firms who are doing that infamous "bury in paper" thing -- this is just opposing counsel being too goddamned lazy and simply sending out "the standard discovery" in every single case he has, because either a) they are all the same, or b) he really just doesn't care that they're not all the same. I've had coverage cases where plaintiff propounds rogs that ask what our property damage is, and auto negligence claims where plaintiff wants us to answer rogs about the state of our home and why plaintiff slipped in it. GAH!
4. I had a conference call scheduled today with a judge and another attorney. The judge got on the line. I got on the line. We waited for the other attorney. and waited. Finally, we talked to his secretary. He went to lunch. He didn't know about the conference call. Funny thing -- the conference was set up through his firm's phone line. ummm..?
5. I went running outside this morning. And I loved it. If you knew me better, you would know this is very strange. I love running. I just love doing it on a treadmill, so I know how far I'm going, how fast I'm going and (ok, I have to say it) how many calories I'm burning as I do it - and there's airconditing. Having grown up with parents who were firmly opposed to it, I LOVE air conditioning. Running outside, by contrast, has none of the same benefits and far more dangers. There are cars, bicycles, people, cracked sidewalks, fallen acorns, slippery twigs, and a whole variety of other things for those as balance-challenged as myself to fall over. In my first road race, I tripped over a small child and fell down, skinning both knees, within four seconds after the starting gun went off. I am not good with outside. But today, I woke up and it was so beautiful out – sunny but not hot and all summer-y smelling – that I couldn’t bear the thought of going into my dark gym (I think it’s really meant for weightlifters, perhaps). So I did four miles outside. It was gorgeous. I may even do it again. Crazy.