I know I haven't written about him in quite some time, but it's time for Irksome to make a brief reappearance before I sent him off to the Isle of Lost Assholes -- um, Men. I think I mentioned this briefly before, but some months ago, we began the beguine again (what the hell is the beguine anyway?) -- for me, it was a "last chance saloon" sort of thing -- either it worked this time or we were finito for keeps. (I think I shared this perspective with him, but perhaps not -- either way, the one thing that was explicitly said was that we'd "spend, like, more time together" - which is a relationship-retarded person's way of saying dating). So for a time all was hunky with some dory on top -- regular chatting/e-mailing/texting (yes, I know I hate the art of the "txt," but -- hey, cute boys make irritating things seem lovely), visiting, etc. Then, as suddenly as if January 1 was a heavy steel door, it stopped and became -- a lone phone call after a week of silence -- an email after ten days of same -- etc. Given my extreme patience skills (um, what/who?), it took about two weeks for me to have it up to HERE, and send him the direct little note: "Seriously, let's just be done." In response, I got a whole hailstorm of "oh no no, absolutely not, I really like you, I want to do this." Um, okay, buddy, fine -- you get one last LAST chance. He swore up and down he would be in touch and stop sucking. That was ten days ago. And while I'm totally not a big fan of kicking anyone out of my life, just because I do believe in forgiveness and changing and all that Oprah-esque stuff (but if you tell anyone I'm a big ol' soft-hearted girl-girl, I'll deny it with my dying breath), I honestly cannot imagine that even if he called right this second, I'd be capable of having any kind of polite, pleasant conversation with him -- it's like, as much as I really liked him in a "wow, other people think that too?" kind of thrilling way, his indifference and general shittiness have killed it -- which is weird for me. Usually, once I've made my snap decision to like someone, I'll pretty much always like them in one way or another. But at the moment, I just can't pull up any of those shiny happy "I like you" feelings. So, I've decided that, after umpty-hundred years of "will-they-won't-they" back and forth crap, I have to put a decisive end to the nonsense and tell him I'm out. Or maybe I won't tell him and just never get in touch again. I can't decide -- either way, let's all have ten seconds of silence to mourn the passing of Irksome, wonderful as he once was.