Let me tell you, as a first-round interviewer, there is nothing I love more than that particular brand of law student who is overly impressed with himself (or herself, but in my experience it's more often guys than girls who behave like this), merely for BEING A LAW STUDENT with a gpa OVER 3.0 who's ON LAW REVIEW. Not that everyone with those credentials is like that, but for the ones who are, it's hysterical. It's like they think that that not only entitles them to cherry-pick which of my questions they'll deign to answer, they also do fun things like use the word "parlay" in a sentence, stop themselves with a falsely embarrassed little giggle, and go back and define it for me as if lesser mortals such as myself wouldn't be expected to have the full breath of knowledge packed into their super-capacity shiny new LAW STUDENT brains.
First of all, it apparently has never occurred to these LAW STUDENT geniuses that not only was I, and pretty much everyone else they're going to interview with in their bids for summer-associate-hood, also a law student who was on the review and had a gpa not just over, but well over 3.0, but that we then took those special law student brains and became --- wait for it -- REAL LAWYERS! who passed the bar! and who, like, practice! at the very firm that genius LAW STUDENT wishes to become employed! So perhaps he should stop condescending to us -- or at least, to me. Seriously -- how non-clever do you have to be to realize that, regardless of how great your credentials are (and honestly, if you're a 3.1 or a 3.2 at a second-tier school, it's not that great. God, I'm a bitch. But, sadly, having gone my own hundred rounds with legal hiring, it's also true), no one will hire you when you act like a egotistic, condescending pig. Hmph.
(yes, i'm this pleasant all the time. it's really quite delightful for those around me.)