Because I am generally highly lax about reading anything that requires I click on a link in a thing I am already reading (it's like endnotes -- i have never in my life read an endnote. Except for a recent foray into an insanely large work of fiction which had them and then I only read them because they were so highly entertaining it was worth the irritation of double-bookmarking, and also because if I didn't read them, I'd be a halfway liar when I walked around boasting about having read the WHOLE THING, and generally when I lie I like to be a completely intentional, full-on liar. hm, that may be the longest parethentical of 2007), I have only now discovered that NY BigLaw has collectively taken leave of its senses and starting paying first-year associates $160,000. The most appalling/potentially awesome thing: this raise may also yank up starting salaries in the "lesser" cities (i.e., every where the hell else except NYC, which I believe is totally right and proper) to right around there. This is awesome because if I do ever make the leap to BigLaw,* it sure as hell wouldn't be to NYC, so at least the money would be so totally beyond definitely worth it. And actually, the only appalling part about it is thinking that that much money is going to someone that young and with that little experience in law -- and if my first year associatehood was anything to go by, a little experience gets you not very far at all.
*Not that I have any actual plans to do such a thing, loving my LittleLaw as I do -- but it appears change may be afoot in the personnel department, causing me to love it somewhat less -- and I did just get a call from a recruiter re: "exciting opportunities in my area." hm. if only they weren't in "my area," maybe I'd think about calling him back.