this girl. In the interest of not sounding totally sycophantic, I will just say that she is the wittest, most entertaining person on the internet today. (No, I said not sycophantic, damn it! oh well). Seriously -- she will make you laugh so hard you snort your coffee out your nose (yeah, didn't know that was possible, did'ja? it's not too pleasant either), and stay up until midnight the night before an important argument just so you can finish reading the incredibly well-stocked archives (I always get really excited when I find a new writer I really like and they already have like six books out -- four years' worth of archives is pretty much the same thing). So, go, read, laugh, get misty-eyed over her evocative descriptions of loves, past and present. Unless I'm the very last person on the internets to discover her, in which case, I'm not too surprise -- I was never so much on the "cutting edge." mmm, D.B. Sweeney. yum.