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Be glad you have an excuse not to attend, even if you are coming around to being interested in the baby, baby showers themselves are very boring if you don't really like sitting around and gushing about how amazing pregnancy is, how cute babies are, etc. You'll be a lot happier if you apologize that you can't make it and then offer to take her out to lunch or something to have your own little private celebration/gift-giving.

E. McPan

I'm totally with you on the kid thing. Kids, babies esp., are GROSS. I'm happy other people have and want children, but I want them to stay far away from me.

Baby Lawyer

G! is this G of "Lack of Scienter" fame? if so, WHERE HAVE YOU GONE? come back! or at least tell me where you moved to (by email, if you prefer -- mystenigmary AT gmail DOT com).

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