The following quote from this article, by a woman extolling the virtues of separate bedrooms for herself and her husband: "I've paid my dues. I’m old enough that I don’t want to have sex at 1 a.m." I can only say "wow." actually, perhaps this is just support for the position that one not only can, but must have premarital sex, at least with the person you think you're going to marry -- otherwise you end up as dissatisfied as this poor woman, who clearly equates sex with something she does for her husband. Which is a whole different kind of depressing -- how bad must he be? Or, I guess, the other side of the coin involves what her sexual hand-ups are... either way. sad.
(Granted, y'all might want to take this with a grain of salt, as it's written from the perspective of one currently at the beginning of an... experience, with all the perkiness and sex-happy-ness that entails, so I'm just une petite peu biased, I suppose!)