I do not like change. In fact, I am quite firmly against it. (Unless it's, like, "hey, I won the lottery and can buy that SLK I've been lusting after" or "hey, I met a cute boy who doesn't make me want to throttle him regularly." that kind of change is ok). As not sexy as it is (and woe betide anyone afflicted with such a wildly unfashionable thing as an un-sexy characteristic! god forbid! all must be as sexy as possible -- sexy hair, sexy toenails, sexy briefcase, bluetooth device, and writing implements! but that's a different rant for a different time), I love me some good, long-established routine. I like my surroundings, once I've created or established them, to stay predictable. I like having the balance of my social circles to stay exactly the same as they were when I got into them.
This goes double for my work life -- it took me long enough to get used to things around here, and now that I finally am and am happy with it, I would happily smack anyone who changes it. But that's exactly what's happening -- starting with this morning and continuing on through the next couple of months with even more changes. Atmospheres and pleasant routines are changing, in favor of irritation and uncomfortableness. It's amazing how much a tiny shift, in such a small ecosystem, can have such a broad effect (Al Gore would be so proud of that realization, I suspect). I am now faced, on a daily constant basis, with personalities I just cannot abide, and far too much going on around me to concentrate properly. And complaining about it to work persons is just not useful -- this is the only possible solution to some issues we've been having, and I just have to suck it up and get used to it. But wow, am I wishing to be anywhere but here at the moment! It's enough to make me actually want to be on trial. ew.