In lieu of actual content this morning, Baby Lawyer instead brings you this amusing blog (via the delighful Bitch PhD), which is keeping me highly entertained, both on its own and because it reminds of this complete twit I lived with for a year in law school. He was this fat, grouchy guy from the Deep South who spelled his completely American name as if it was French, with random "ie"s and "q"s everywhere. we had been good friends first year, signed a lease together for second year, and then run into some difficulty with a non-platonic episode which he wished to continue and I did not. He was not so much with the "friends" with the Baby Lawyer after that, so our entire year as roommates alternated between actively ignoring each other and passively ignoring each other. Of course, you can't live in the same apartment with someone without ever talking to them, so instead he'd leave me these bright green post-it notes EVERYWHERE. on my ashtray: "Please be considerate to others living here and empty daily." (mind you, i only smoked about four cigarettes a day, so it's not like it was overflowing). on the mirror: "I would grately [sic] appreciate it if you would STOP leaving your bar of soap on MY side of the tub!!!" (we had sides of the tub? who knew? I kept waiting for the tape line to appear -- almost sadly, it never did). and the best one yet, on the inside of the front door: "Appropriate hours for entry/exit are 8am-9pm. Should you wish to enter or exit outside of those times, please do so QUIETLY so that you do not wake my girlfriend up. She is very busy and needs her rest." (yes, he did actually have a girlfriend, who was actually human and a practicing attorney -- although i believe she must have been both deaf and blind to put up with him. and yes, he really did write that, although i think he may have used a different word for "busy.")
To this day, the sight of neon-green post-it notes make me a little queasy.
He sounds like a real winner. As I am from the Deep South, please don't hold people like him against me. We're not all like that.
Was his name Bubba?
Posted by: teahouseblossom | May 22, 2007 at 06:21 PM
hee! no, but his personality was *totally* Bubba. and don't worry -- i certainly don't take him to representative of southerners -- or, you know, human beings, for that matter!
Posted by: Baby Lawyer | May 26, 2007 at 11:03 AM