Does anyone know how to make perfume stay "smelly" longer? I love love love my perfume (an eau de toilette, for those to whom that means anything) and don't want to change, and there's no more "potent" version made -- but i do a double squirt to the wrists/neck every morning (which is PLENTY for then, just this side of old-lady strength) and by 5, it's like i'm wearing nothing at all (as far as perfume goes, i mean. i'm still wearing my clothes. was that not clear?). HELP!
Your perfume is likely still detectable at 5, but by then your nose has gotten used to it so YOU can't smell it anymore - but other ppl can. ;)
Posted by: TSC Girl | May 08, 2007 at 10:56 PM
You should spray it on your clothes. Just don't be a walking perfume - that wouldn't be pleasant.
I just read your blog and can relate to every single one your entries (I too am a single, female lawyer). Maybe we all think alike. I don't need a blog, I can just refer people to yours. Scary huh?
Posted by: Your Clone | May 09, 2007 at 09:26 PM