I have a favor to ask: go read this article at NYTimes (if login's required, go to bugmenot.com for free password) and tell me what you think -- for those of you who don't want to click, basically, the story is that a bunch of Stanford Law students got together and created an A-F grading scheme for firms based on how many minorities/gay people they had, and are asking top tier schools to prevent the "failing" firms from recruiting on campus. I can't decide if these kids are completely obnoxious and off base (I mean, how useful is a bare head count of each type of minority as an assessment of a firm's diversity? and doesn't diversity mean different things in different markets? and should diversity be the sole measure of a firm for recruiting purposes? is the proposed ban useful at all?) or really impressive for taking a strong stand the issue? I'm flip-flopping. Which is why I would be a TERRIBLE presidential candidate. (Well, that's not the only reason -- I also inhaled. Although, then again, Bushie not only inhaled, he snorted, and no one seems to particularly care about that...)