Not that I usually waste my time paying attention to that surefire way to spike your blood pressure otherwise known as Fox News, but my interest was piqued today when my Google Newsreader thingy spit up a Fox headline on a new study regarding drinking caffeine during pregnancy that the New York Times had also just reported on today. Having already read the article in the NYT (that bastion of the "liberal conspiracy"!) I was curious to see what kind of coverage the "fair and balanced" Fox News had given it. Shockingly, the famously "unbiased" news outlet not only reported the study's finding as unqualified "fact," but also failed to use the qualifiers vitally important to the reporting of ANY study, failed to point out any of the possible flaws in the sampling, and most significantly, failed to including ANY commentary or reactions giving that essential "other side" to the issue.
Are we sure they actually know what "balanced" and "unbiased" means? 'cause I don't think so.
(For those who want to see for themselves: the Fox story is here and the NYT story is here [free registration required or go to]).