Can someone please explain to me why people think widescreen TVs are oh-so-super-fabulous and just the last word in "I'm cooler than you"-ness? they're AWFUL. Every actor looks bizarrely bloated, and it's harder to read the text on the screen because it's all stretched-out and a hereto-fore normally sized taxicab looks like the Cab That Ate New York City, and so I spend the whole time trying to re-size everything in my head and totally miss what's happening in the show/movie I'm PAYING TO WATCH. And yet, my good friend's obnoxious, smacked-ass of an unjustly self-aggrandizing husband spent the entire time I was (very uncomfortably) visiting twittering about how "RAD" his new widescreen panel was and how it's "MAD" expensive and only those people earning "MAD" bonuses could possibly afford them, so I shouldn't feel bad I don't have one... um. thanks, but I really don't feel bad. not one bit.
But should I?
Hahaha..this is like these new HDTVs now. I'm so NOT into them. You can see every pore on every elderly aged actor/actress's face?
Posted by: teahouseblossom | May 24, 2008 at 05:41 PM
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Posted by: Gralactidar | December 25, 2011 at 03:51 AM